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lump sum (一次結清的)總額。

lump work

The hkcss should review and re - position its roles and tasks , especially following the implementation of lump sum grant ( lsg ) 隨整筆撥款制度的實施,社聯更須重新檢視他的角色和任務;

Please note that all applications for lump sum repayment must be applied in - person or submitted in written form 請注意,一次過付還助學金或貸款的申請必須親身辦理或以書面方式遞交。

Q : can tuition fee be paid in a lump sum on a yearly or half - yearly basis , or can payment be made by autopay 問:學員可否一次過交半年或一年學費,或安排自動轉帳繳付學費?

Secures financial stability for your family by providing a lump sum cash benefit in the event of death 若不幸身故,個人保險可為您的家人提供一筆現金賠償,以應燃眉之急。

The shareholder shall , in a lump sum , pay the capital contribution as specified in the articles of association 該一人有限責任公司不能投資設立新的一人有限責任公司。

Article 53 a fine may be paid in a lump sum or in installments within the time limit specified in the judgment 第五十三條罰金在判決指定的期限內一次或者分期繳納。

Students should pay tuition and other charges in a lump sum . late payment will be subject to a penalty 報到時一次交清費用,逾期不交者按月交滯納金(學費的5 % ) 。

In the unfortunate event of an accident leading to your permanent disability , a lump sum cash benefit of 若不幸因意外導致永久傷殘,您可獲得一筆過港幣200 , 000元

Specifies the present value or lump sum that a series of payments to be paid in the future is worth now 指定未來一系列付款的當今等價現值(一次付清的款額) 。

63kb to obtain a copy of “ application for lump sum repayment under the fasp “ sfaa199 63kb以索取申請一次過償還專上學生資助計劃資助sfaa199 2006申請書。

The total amount of prescribed document fees for all applications will be payable in one lump sum 在每項交易中所須繳付的訂明文件費用總數,必須一次過繳付。

You may apply to have the lump sum related back to the period in respect of which the payment was made 你可申請將約滿酬金撥回賺取該筆款項的期間計算。

Lump sum payments will be paid if the employee becomes totally and permanently disabled before age 60 若受保雇員于六十歲前長期傷殘,便會獲得賠償。

Clause 2 the economic compensation for workers shall be made by the employer in a lump sum 第二條對勞動者的經濟補償金,由用人單位一次性發給。

The premium will be paid in one lump sum to the hkmc at the time of the loan drawdown 1 .一次付清保險費保險費于放款時一次付清予按揭證券公司。

That way you don ' t have to worry that markets will slump days after you invest a lump sum 這樣,你就不會為在你投入一筆中后市場暴跌而擔憂。

“ you can pay for the refrigerator either in a lump sum , or in monthly instalments . “這臺冰箱的錢,你可以一次付清,也可以按月分期付款。

Lmps lump sum 包干費總額

Lump sum payment 整筆付款